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COVID-19 Risk Assessment

This Risk Assessment was carried out for the premises of Rickshaw Bazaar Ltd, situated at 16 The Shambles, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7LZ comprising a 3-room retail space and private office with a view to minimising the risk of transmission of COVID-19 virus.  

Key areas of risk identified:

  • Small physical space within the retail area with potential bottlenecks at adjoining doorways
  • Physical contact with equipment such as card reader; touch-screen till
  • Proximity of customers to counter
  • Physical contact with counter area and products


People at risk

Action: control to reduce risk to appropriate level

Risk after action taken:

Low, Medium or High

Transmission of Covid-19 Coronavirus in the workplace

•  Employees

•  Visitors to your premises



Hand Hygiene


•           Hand sanitising products in place at till.

•           Employees reminded on a regular basis to sanitise their hands after every transaction with customer. Also reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues – Follow “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it” public health guidance and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Tissues will be made available throughout the workplace.


·         Employees reminded to clean card-reader after every transaction with anti-bacterial wipes provided.


•           Staff encouraged to protect the skin by applying emollient cream regularly


•           Hand sanitisers and instruction posters at entrance point to premises.


Encourage staff to report any problems and carry out skin checks as part of a skin surveillance programme


Posters, leaflets and other materials are available for display:


Other Measures


Notices allowing only 2 customers at any one time entrance to the premises.


Sneeze screen installed on the counter.




Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces during the day and at the end of the day that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as card machine keys; touch screen till; counter; shelves; door handles and light switches, using standard cleaning products and methods.


Regular checks will be carried out by line managers to ensure that the necessary cleaning procedures are being followed.


Social Distancing


Social Distancing – Means reducing the number of persons in any work area to comply with the 2-metre (6.5 foot) gap in accordance with Public Health advice:


Redesigning processes to ensure social distancing in place. This includes notices regarding the 2m distancing requirement and a restriction on numbers of customers allowed entry at any one time to 2 people.



Staff to be reminded on regular basis of the importance of social distancing in the workplace.





Mitigating Actions


Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, we will carefully consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between staff as follows:


Encouraging increased frequency of hand sanitising and surface cleaning


Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible

Using screens or barriers to separate people from each other



Accidents, Security and Other Incidents


In an emergency, for example, an accident, fire, break-in or trespass, people do not have to stay 2m apart if it would be unsafe.


People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing hands.



Face Coverings


Employees are not required to wear face coverings in the workplace as using a face covering as a method of protecting others from transmission of COVID 19 is weak and the effect is likely to be small.  However, we will support workers in using face coverings safely if they choose to wear one in the workplace. In those circumstances employees will be reminded to:


Wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it. When wearing a face covering, avoid touching their face or face covering and practise social distancing wherever possible.


Symptoms of Covid-19


If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or a high temperature in the workplace they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home guidance.

Line managers will maintain regular contact with staff members during this time.


If advised that a member of staff or public has developed Covid-19 and were recently on our premises (including where a member of staff has visited other work place premises such as domestic premises), the management team of the workplace will contact the Public Health body to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and will take advice on any actions or precautions that should be taken.


Clinically vulnerable Employees


If clinically vulnerable individuals, such as pregnant employees or those with health conditions (but not extremely clinically vulnerable individuals who will continue to work from home where possible) cannot work from home, they will be offered the option of the safest available on-site roles, enabling them to stay 2m away from others. If they have to spend time within 2m of others. We will assess whether this involves an acceptable level of risk. Expectant mothers are entitled to suspension on full pay if suitable roles cannot be found. We will also consider any appropriate measures for employees who live with clinically extremely vulnerable individuals.


We will put in place reasonable adjustments to avoid disabled workers being put at a disadvantage in the workplace, or where they are working from home.




Mental Health


Management will promote mental health & wellbeing awareness to staff during the Coronavirus outbreak and will offer whatever support they can to help: communication of mental health information and line manager support for those who need additional support. 






































































































General action taken

  • The manager who conducted the risk assessment communicated it to staff by… [e.g. emailed it to them; put it on the company intranet; put it on the notice board and published it on the company website (n.b. the government expects that employers with at least 50 employees will publish the main finding of their Covid-19 risk assessment on their website)]
  • Manager discussed it with staff, in particular with those identified as at risk.
  • Manager made decision not to review assessment if no significant change in the level of risk in the workplace due to Covid-19, and in any event diarised to review it in a year.