Rickshaw Bazaar

Comfort wherever we can find it... 31
...there is definitely some reassurance to be gleaned from the sensation of those small crystals warming next to my skin, and some comfort to be had in that perhaps - just perhaps - the energy encapsulated within them, created by the miracle that is our planet earth, might just be helping.- Mo MacLeod
- Tags: crystals meditation

Garlands & Elephant Candles a-go-go 18
...some kind soul out there posted something nice about us...- Mo MacLeod

Essential oils essential in Covid recovery... 19
'Smell Training' can really help to retrain the nasal receptors and restore smell and taste more quickly.- Mo MacLeod

Christmas coming early... 52
Given the huge uncertainty of the times we are living in, I have decided to go with the flow and release my Christmas Collection early this year.- Mo MacLeod